Fotos de la capea celebrada el pasado sábado en El Bodón con motivo de sus fiestas patronales. You can see the photos here Regards punch.
The territorial delegate of the Junta de Castilla y Leon Salamanca, Welcome Mena Merchan met today, in the hall of the building of the University of Experience, Ciudad Rodrigo, with mayors and council representatives- of 63 municipalities in the area, a new appointment within the information contacts […]
MONDAY 16 Navasfrías, El Payo, El Bodón, Valverdon, Torresmenudas, Forfoleda, Castellanos Villiquera, Peñasolana, San Pedro de Rozados, The Veguillas, Frades of the Sierra, Salvatierra Fuenterroble. MARTES Villanueva del Conde, Garcibuey, Miranda Chestnut, Hamlet of Yeltes, Alba de Yeltes, Morasverdes, The Maillo, Bogado, Bañobárez, San Felices de los Gallegos. WEDNESDAY Pedraza de Alba, Larrodrigo, Anaya de […]