Dump truck with pig offal and dead animals at the height of Ciudad Rodrigo

camion de despojos cortando la autovida de Ciudad Rodrigo a Salamanca
A truck offal cutting the autovida of Ciudad Rodrigo a Salamanca on the A62 towards Burgos. The driver was unhurt result fate.
camion volcado en ciudad rodrigo despojos de animales y la A62 cortada
Ciudad Rodrigo dump truck offal and cut A62

A truck has overturned on the A-62, at the height of Ciudad Rodrigo(Salamanca), loaded with fat, offal and dead pigs, holding cut circulation in this railcar .


According to sources from the Civil Guard Traffic, The accident occurred at 14.15 hours and, de momento, It does not know when it will be restored traffic.

The truck overturned and occupies two lanes of the highway, while all dead animals and the remains have been scattered on the asphalt.

Several road maintenance crews work to remove all traces.

The articulated truck will be removed when they go to the crash site, at Kilometer 335 A-62, several cranes that can lift both the cab and trailer.

Part of the truck cab have been crossed on one of the quitamiedos.

Because of the accident, dozens of cars and trucks remain standing on the highway.

Road traffic flowing from the border of Fuentes de Oñoro towards Salamanca has been deflected by agents of the Civil Guard by the N-620, to prevent further deductions.

The truck driver, It is belonging to the company salmantina industrial fats Mena, It has been unhurt, according to sources from the Guardia Civil.

Camión de despojos de animales volcado a la altura de Ciudad Rodrigo
Offal truck overturned at the height of Ciudad Rodrigo



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