Agueda flooding of the river passing by Navasfrías

Agueda river swollen as it passes through Navasfrías

river Agueda
river Agueda

After the rains of recent days our Agueda River tributary of the Duero its flow has increased considerably following a rainy winter rather sparse.

The origin of Agueda River It is the source of the Puente de los Llanos, in Navasfrías (Salamanca), between the hills “The tables” and “Peñas Gordas”. Its water is dammed by the dam Agueda at the height of the municipalities of Zamarra and Pastores. Receives water from its tributary, the river Badillo.

Passes through Ciudad Rodrigo (Salamanca), the uranium mine Saelices el Chico and rock site of Siega Verde. It is the natural border between Spain and Portugal during 40 kilometers and flows into the Duero by its left bank near Barca de Alba, in the border area with Portugal international. At the mouth of the river Agueda new Vega Terron Wharf is located. The Douro river fully into Portuguese territory right in the mouth.


The video It has been given by our neighbor Pedro Ramos.

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