Concentration VII horse Hispano Lusa



Our friends A Revolera organized for next 1 de junio the concentration VII riding Spanish Portuguese.

This is a gathering of friends from Portugal and Spain, where horse lovers gather in Portugal, Salamanca and Extremadura, on this day the next confinements to be held in Portugal and Spain lands discussed.

The news of becoming a gathering in the village of Navasfrias, It is highly anticipated and eager to the day, to get together and talk with friends and have experiences winter and stay for the bulls and procession ahead.

The salida It is from the Mesón el Quijote, a las 09:00 hours of Saturday morning, donde nos juntamos todos los caballistas, to get together and go to the limit with Salamanca Province, where we take a spike organized by Ayuntamiento de Navasfrias.

Skewer after the route will continue for Navasfrias, there will be a tour around the town and then to the Plaza de Toros, Previsa a meal there this all in brotherhood, then they are made traditional games of skill with horses, sevillanas, music and raffle gifts for all equestrians.

They are invited to participate, Horses associations as Valverde del Fresno, Eljas, San Martín de Trevejo, Villamiel, Hoyos, Holly, Cilleros, Vegaviana, Moraleja, Coria, Gata, Perales del Puerto, Torre de Don Miguel,Gata, Navasfrias, Robleda, Casillas de Flores, Fuenteguinaldo, El Payo, Quadrazais, Penamacol, Foios, Soito, Penha Garcia, Alfallates, Aldea Vella, Ponte village, village Obispo, Legiosa, Rebolosa , Nave, Forcahos and Vale de Espiño .

Desde Navasfrí we encourage you to make the route or come to enjoy traditional games to be held in the bullring of Navasfrías.

We take this opportunity to send a hug our friend and organizer Fabio concentration.