Ciudad Rodrigo defined dates and farms for bullfighting bolsin 2012

The second half of January and February first contemplate holding tryouts of Bolsín Taurino de Ciudad Rodrigo (Salamanca) facing the proclamation of the winner and finalists of the Carnaval del Toro 2012. Moises Fraile livestock Martin, with his family, It has announced that six cows yield Iron Pillar for the grand finale which will take place on Sunday 12 February 2012.

All applicants who wish to compete in the Bolsín Taurino mirobrigense this season, must submit enrollment at its headquarters Hotel Conde Rodrigo I, Piazza San Salvador S / N, 37500-CIUDAD RODRIGO, filling out the form that is page http: . Before the day 14 January 2012.

El Bolsín Taurino de Ciudad Rodrigo define fechas y ganaderías
The Bolsín Taurino de Ciudad Rodrigo defined dates and breedings

– first tempts, sábado 21 January 2012. In the bullring in Cercedilla (Madrid)


– second tempts, domingo 22 January 2012. In the bullring in Campillo de Azaba (Salamanca) with cows Manuel Gimeno.

– third tempts, sábado 28 January 2012. Square grope in the Hotel conde Rodrigo II Ciudad Rodrigo, Heirs with cows Juan Luis Fraile.

– fourth tempts, domingo 29 January 2012. Square grope in the Hotel conde Rodrigo II Ciudad Rodrigo, with cows livestock El Sierro.

– Quinta tempts, sábado 4 February 2012. Square grope in the Hotel conde Rodrigo II Ciudad Rodrigo, with cows livestock Valrrubio.

– sixth tempts, domingo 5 February 2012. Square grope in the Hotel conde Rodrigo II Ciudad Rodrigo, with cows José Tomás García de Villavieja de Yeltes.

– Tempts seventh semifinal, sábado 11 February 2012. Square grope in the Hotel conde Rodrigo II Ciudad Rodrigo. Heirs with cows Juan José Mateos of Fuenteguinaldo.

– Eighth end tempts, domingo 12 February 2012. Square grope in the Hotel conde Rodrigo II Ciudad Rodrigo. Cows livestock El Pilar.

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