Navasfrí says goodbye Easter with the arrival of the Lunes de Aguas and hornazo

The tradition of eating hornazo, a kind of pie filled with sausage and killing products, to exit the theoretical sacrifice of Holy Week begins today held towns in the west of Salamanca, while the rest of the province will in the Lunes de Aguas.

navasfrias y el hornazo de salamanca
Navasfrias and hornazo Salamanca

Hundreds of villages located in the area of ​​La Raya with Portugal and the Sierra de France have left the countryside to picnic this pie on Easter Sunday, as usual in that area.

In many towns tradition salmantinos families to buy during the days of Easter mass with which, posteriormente, they draw at home hornazo, to that they add the sausage homemade sausage, chorizo, loin ham or.

Once made, They take baking bakeries towns like Fuentes de Oñoro, Fuenteguinaldo, The Bodón or Serradilla del Arroyo, where they have drawn these days thousands of hornazos, both for the people who go out to eat on Sunday and visitors who have been on holiday for Easter.

“In recent 4 days have drawn more than a thousand hornazos, since no one wants to stop test”, He said today to EFE Jaime García, Baker Serradilla del Arroyo.

For this tradition is not lost, in the town of San Esteban de la Sierra (located in the Sierra de France) They have been held with children this Easter a workshop to learn how to make the typical hornazo.

At this party also joined hornazo each year numerous Portuguese neighbors, border towns as Vale da Mule, Escarigo the Vilar Formoso …


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