casa lis Navasfrias
The museum Art Nouveau and Art Deco held on Thursday 9 de junio ‘Night of the Dragonflies‘, his party 21 birthday in which the distinction is granted Honorary Member a Celso Ramos. For this, the Association of Friends of the Museo Casa Lis will honor him in order to thank them for their contribution to the promotion of the Museum Art Nouveau and Art Deco - Casa Lis.
The celebration of ‘The Night of the Dragonflies’ organized by the Association will take place at the Casa Lis Museum at 20:30 hours and will feature journalist Diego Merayo, announcer "A life that are two days" Castilla y León (Cadena Ser), who will lead the audience through a festive evening in which also participate Pedro Pérez Castro (Director del Museo Art Nouveau y Art Déco) and Juan Manuel García Paino (Presidente de la Asociación de Amigos del Museo Casa Lis). During the ceremony, Guests enjoy the musical performance of Bach Elisa (Café Paris), and a cocktail at La Terraza de Lis. Among the attendees they will meet in the Lis House for their annual holiday are the friends of the Museum, Workers, a large institutional representation that includes several members of the municipal corporation, diversos invitados de otras organizaciones salmantinas y del municipio natal de Manuel Ramos Andrade (Navasfrías) y los miembros del Patronato de la Fundación Manuel Ramos Andrade.
The award that the Association will honor Celso Ramos as Honorary Member acknowledges his work, collaboration and support the Museum Art Nouveau and Art Deco order to "thank them for their generosity and unconditional support to the Casa Lis", as illustrated by the Museum Director, Pedro Pérez Castro. Por todo ello, Thursday 9 June, Celso Ramos will join other honorary members of the Association of Friends of the Casa Lis Museum such as Fernando Buch Brullas and Caja Duero (2007); Jesús Málaga Guerrero (2008); el pueblo de Navasfrías (2009); Fausto Cabezas and María Jesús Gavela (2011); Lluís Reverter (2012), Bernardo Hernández (2013) y Lorenzo Caprile (2015), entre otros.
Celso Ramos
Celso Ramos (Salamanca, 1962) He studied college degree in the University of Salamanca, after he took over the family business in the town of Navasfrías. Perform military service again in Salamanca (Cavalry Barracks), he moved to Madrid to prepare oppositions as Executive of the Directorate General of Traffic (Interior). There comes into contact with the publishing sector and begins to negotiate collaborations until his transfer to Sevilla, Where, in 1969 occupy a position as Provincial Delegate in Editorial Santillana. It is in this city where he enrolled in the School of Agronomists "Cortijo Cuarto", although incompatible with their work commitment prevents you from completing these studies.
Will be on 1970 when Celso Ramos marries in Navasfrías, while continuing to work in Seville, where he was appointed Regional Director responsible Andalusia, Extremadura and former Spanish Protectorate presence of schools in Castilian in Ceuta, Tangier, Tetuán, Larache, among other locations. Until 1981 does not return to Castilla, which assumes the direction of the publisher until 98, when you leave Santillana and he joined as head of Akal Editorial Editorial Fund and the start of the new educational issues for Media Education.
parallel, Celso Ramos starts to develop a business project of rural tourism and finally moved to Navasfrías, where he began the journey of the "Hosteria de la Raya" in the year 2000. Three years later (2003), It is presented to the municipal elections, where he was elected Mayor. Celso Ramos will maintain this commitment until 2015 and it will combine with the Provincial Deputy in the legislature from 2011 to 2015. It is in this period when, as Mayor of Navasfrías, the birthplace of the patron Manuel Ramos Andrade, It also becomes Patron of the Foundation that bears his name and manages the Art Nouveau and Art Deco Museum - Casa Lis.
Source: http://www.salamanca24horas.com/cultura/07-06-2016-la-asociacion-de-amigos-del-museo-casa-lis-distingue-celso-ramos-como-socio-de-honor
From Navasfrías we congratulate our neighbor for this recognition.