Experts have claimed today philologists cultural protection and respect for those minority languages from the Galician-Leonese still heard in border areas of Extremadura, Castilla y Leon and Portugal.

So said today the salmantino ethnographer José Benito Mateos, during the congress which was held in the municipality of Villasrubias (Salamanca), where scholars have participated minority languages, they have insisted that this type of speech is no shame, but traditional culture.
Throughout the congress they have been numerous examples of areas salmantinas, zamoranas, cacereñas, pacenses or Portuguese where linguistic minority groups maintain redoubts created over the centuries by different circumstances, although always under the trunk of the Galician-Leonese.
Así, by philologists in the province of Caceres it has defended speech called “estremeñu”.
this dialect, also originate from the leonine, Internet has its own encyclopedia Wikipedia, named “Güipipe to”, which it was established in 2008 and collecting a total of 12.500 words.
One of the speakers salmantinas, Patricia Santamaría, He has defended the Leonese dialects that are still in some parts of the Portuguese geography and Portuguese dialects preserved in towns of Badajoz, Caceres and Salamanca.
Feverfew has referred to Spanish towns of the province of Badajoz, Olivenza, Táliga and Codosera, where the name is spoken as “Portuguese alentejano”, since they were towns that belonged to the Kingdom of Portugal between 1297 and 1801.
In the province of Cáceres, in some towns like Cedillo, The Fontañera or El Pino this dialect is also preserved in the case of Herrera de Alcantara speaks “Ferreño”, also from the Portuguese.
During the congress also it discussed the parla or talk about El Rebollar, They are keeping especially people over the villages salmantinos Navasfrías, El Payo, Robleda, Peñaparda or Villasrubias, all bordering northern Cáceres.
This type of dialect, from the leonine, They use it in their daily communication around 2.000 people.
In the province of Salamanca, A similar situation has exemplified the border villages of La Alamedilla and La Alberguería of Argañán, where a Portuguese dialect used, from the Galician-Portuguese, similar to using the Lusitanian neighbors of the Sierra de Gata.
Aún así, are minority languages “clear setback”, due, above all, the aging population as small municipalities, depopulation and “weak institutional support” for maintenance, by Patricia Santamaría.
As opposed, Some experts have explained his treatment by the institutions of the language called Portugal “Mirandés”, typical of the peoples of the Portuguese region of Tras-os-Montes, who use, estimated, alrededor de 7.000 people.
This language from the leonine, in 1999 Portugal issued a decree on 29 January officially recognized the linguistic rights of the Mirandese community and 2003 the Institute of Language was created Mirandesa.
Also, in this area bordering western Castilla y León, There is a radio that uses language Mirandés, Radio