Sociosanitario course the Commonwealth Alto Agueda III begins

begins with 8 the training unemployed 'Alto Agueda Sociosanitaria III'

Con el inicio del mes de noviembre la Mancomunidad Alto Águeda ha puesto en marcha el Mixed 'Alto Agueda Sociosanitaria III' Employment and Training Program que llevará a cabo durante los próximos 6 meses (until late April) gracias a una subvención de 69.643,20€ procedentes del Public Employment Service of Castilla and Leon.

Esta acción formativa cuenta con 8 participantes, all unemployed in several municipalities of the Commonwealth, to receive a total of 900 horas de formación teórica-práctica para conseguir el Professional certificate geriatric care for dependent people in social institutions.

With regard to the theoretical part, será impartida en Fuenteguinaldo por la monitora social Virginia Hernández Gómez y la coordinadora sociosanitaria Rocio Rubio Corchete. The training modules include support in organizing interventions at the institutional level, intervention in food hygiene care and geriatric care in institutions, psychosocial support, relational and communicative attention, computer literacy, and food handling.

As it regards the practical training, habrá sesiones en el aula con material cedido por la Residencia El Plantio Guts, before the traineeship in several residences of the environment.

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