El presidente de la Diputación de Salamanca, Javier Iglesias, accompanied by the mayor of Peñaparda, Camila Vizarro, It was responsible for inaugurating the expansion works of the municipal residence. Specifically, It has gone from 9 a 16 residents after executing reform.
The history of this residence began more than 20 years although only 9 squares as said Javier Iglesias, "He stayed almost small from the beginning".
Draft any action beyond the scope of a municipality like Peñaparda so besides investing funds from the provincial plans of the Provincial, the provincial institution has had to make a special contribution 75.000 euros for the expansion project go ahead. The total amount of the performance was around 200.000 euros.
In the words of President, this residence "part of public services Peñaparda offers and has much to do with the provision of useful services for citizens and much to do with combating depopulation because women work and when young women in the villages there is life '.
Precisely, the mayor recalled that women are in the area, eight concrete, they are working at the residence and although several are Peñaparda, also they come from Villasrubias or El Payo.
Camila Vizarro stressed the "illusion" that has materialized with this extension "for the service given to older, especially the people, you do not have to move somewhere else and come and go to their homes ".
The residence has the 16 places available covers and "we waiting list even expanding because neither Villasrubias, El Payo or Navasfrías not have residence and the people of those towns requests come here. We have a fantastic team, very professional and higher are delighted ».
The president of the Diputación de Salamanca concluded by praising the work of Camila Vizarro: "We need mayors like her, people who pull the chariot ".
Source: https://www.elnortedecastilla.es